
PSPAR to CWCheat Converter 0.22

I was originally going to post this on the CWCheat forums but I am still waiting for my account to be activated so I can post therefore I am posting it here. I'm hoping I can get some help.

Here is my psp demos AR Replay to CWCheat code converter thingy.

Please DON'T post a list of cheats which don't work as I can quite easily see which cheats don't work and until it can convert the cheats better I DON'T care about reports of cheats which don't work. Also when you do convert the cheats you must place the psp demos AR code file in the root of the Memory Stick and call it "ar_codes1.bin". The difference between conversion mode 1 and 2 is that mode 1 will try to convert the addresses and values if needed to CWCheat format and save the file to "ms0:/cheats.txt". Whereas mode 2 will simply dump the addresses and values as they are written in the original AR code file to "ms0:/cheats_nomod.txt".

Since I am unable to solve these issues further releases will be unlikely unless I can get some help fixing the issues which I am having.

What is planned in future releases (if I can get help fixing the big issues):

- Fixing all the code conversion issues (I need a lot of help here)

- Adding conversion to NitePR format

- A PC conversion tool

- Adding conversion of CWCheat format to AR format (If I can figure out how the hash is calculated and where it is stored in the unknown bits of the AR code file)

- Maybe I could also add support for conversion between as many cheat formats as possible (I'm not too sure about this one cause it will probably take some time)

What I can currently do:

- Understand about 98% of theAR cheat file format.

- Convert all the different controller handling AR codes to CWCheat format.

- Convert the Game ID and Game Name to CWCheat format.

- convert "some" of the standard cheats (cheats which don't use DMA/RLE/other stuff I don't know about)

- Convert DMA cheats from AR format to CWCheat format.

What I can't do:

- Convert RLE compressed cheat from AR format to CWCheat format.

- Convert other format codes to CWCheat format.

- Convert any remaining standard codes to CWCheat format.

- Remove codes which are unneeded (if their are any, which I'm pretty sure there are)

- Fixing of any other issues with the code database.

The psp demos Action Replay code file can be downloaded from

